Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ethics Utilitarianism Essay

a.) Explain the main differences between the utilitarianism of Bentham and that of Mill. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that looks at the concept of `utility`, or the usefulness of actions. Two of the most famous Utilitarians were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill; Bentham was the first to introduce the theory, and his views were more similar to that of Act Utilitarianism. Mill on the other hand differed in his views, and his intention was to improve the theory, and his ideas were closer to that of Rule Utilitarianism; and Mill was also the one to coin the name of the theory. Although it is the same theory, the two philosophers had two different concepts of the best approach to Utilitarianism. One of the main differences between the two philosophers view of utility is their idea of the intrinsic good. For Bentham, the goodness of actions is measured by the amount of pleasure they produce. For him, two things were the most important, the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of p ain, and so happiness is pleasure without pain. Bentham produced his `hedonic calculus` to calculate the amount of pleasure produced by actions, which includes categories such as measuring the intensity, duration, and purity of pleasure to work out the best actions to take. This is because Bentham was a hedonist; he thought the best way to live life is the most pleasurable way. Although he never specifically said himself, it is thought that he would have preferred Act Utilitarianism, which looks at individual acts, and the amount of pleasure they generate, in each situation. This differs from Mill in that he thought the goodness of actions is based on the amount of happiness they produce. The practice of following a rule creates happiness, rather than looking at every separate act; it is thought that he was closer to a Rule Utilitarian, which involves following rules to create greater happiness. Furthermore, Bentham’s Utilitarianism is much more focussed on the individual. The individual judges each act by its utility, and the amount of pleasure it will produce; as it is about the quantity of pleasure, for Bentham, which decides which action should be taken. The motivation is for self-interest, which means that often justice can be ignored, as the focus is not on the wider public, which is different from Mill’s approach. Mill’s approach involves looking at the happiness of the community, so justice is addressed, and well-being has utmost importance. To make it more  universal he said that each desires their own happiness, so they should aim at it, and furthermore everyone ought to aim for the happiness for everyone else too, making sympathy the motive for doing an action. Both approaches are consequentialist, but for Mill, an ethical act is one where the consequences favour the happiness and wellbeing of all. His approach also looks at the quality of the activities as well, arguing that certain things can be rated as `higher` and `lower ` pleasures. He said that food, sex and drink are of the `lower` category, whereas poetry, opera and fine art and the like are of the `higher` pleasures, and that we should strive for pleasure of better quality, of a more high-class lifestyle, as they are of more value. Whereas Bentham uses the example of a game of `push-pin` (a children’s game) gives the same amount of pleasure as a good book, Mill argues against that saying the quality of the pleasure is what is importance. Essentially, what makes an act ethical for Bentham is the amount of pleasure that is produced for the individual, and duration and intensity etc. For J.S. Mill, an act is ethical if it follows more set rules, how much happiness is produced on a larger scale, and the quality of the pleasure, rather than the quantity. b.) `Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior in every way to the Utilitarianism of Bentham`. Discuss. Both Mill and Bentham wished to produce an ethical theory that created the most happiness, which is what they believed to be the basis for justice, and the best way of living. However, since they saw the way to achieve this happiness in different light, they had different approaches to the theory, meaning that one approach will be considered superior to the other. In my opinion, it is true that Mill’s approach is superior to Bentham’s, although not in every way. Firstly, it must be considered that it is not certain which `type` of Utilitarianism each philosopher preferred. Generally it is thought that Bentham took the Act approach, and Mill the Rule approach, however neither put themselves in any of the categories, so it is therefore debatable. It is evident that both do not stick completely to the respective approaches; as an example, Mill was known to write, â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness†, which implies a prefe rence to Act Utilitarianism, although others still think that he may even have been a virtue ethicist. For the sake of this writing though, I will categorise each philosopher to their assumed approach. John Stuart Mill was very familiar  with Jeremy Bentham in person, as he was Bentham’s godson, and it is evident how this relationship affected his view on ethics. Mill attempted to improve Bentham’s theory, this concept of utility, which Mill coined `Utilitarianism`. However, his whole idea of the `greatest good for the greatest number` was accentuated by Mill when he made it more focussed on the community. As he thought more that happiness should be the standard of utility, not the self-centred pleasure. This improves the theory, as otherwise everybody will be focussing on themselves, and in many situations the pleasure of one person may exclude the happiness of many. I think it is also more appropriate inside the theory; as, if one looks out for the community, it seems more likely that the greatest good for the greatest number will be reached. Likewise, Mill’s idea of happiness being about the quality, not the quantity of pleasure, is to an extent better. The higher pleasures taking preference over the lower kinds of pleasures seem to fit with the quality of life, education and so forth. However, there is a danger that this idea quickly becomes snobbish, and puts the higher classes above those who would prefer rap music over opera. I suppose that this could make Mill’s approach `superior`, but in the way that is arrogant and conceited, rather than the definition of superior meaning improved. This shows how the theory is counter-intuitive in some areas; in how the community has importance, and not just the individual; and yet Mill still argues that the quality of pleasure takes precedence over the quantity, which seems to contradict the idea of community, and involve multiple classes. Another negative side of Mill’s theory is that he makes a jump with his universalisability ideas. He makes an inductive leap in saying that just because one person desires their own happiness they will naturally aim for the happiness of everyone else. John Rawls was known for criticising Mill and how it is not ethical to assume that one person would do something for a group, and how people can be used a means to an end because of that. Theoretically it is a suitable idea, that everyone would look out for the happiness for everyone else, but in practice it is not logical, he is separating morality and motive. An alternative approach to Utilitarianism would be that of Henry Sidgwick. In his book `The method of Ethics` he explained how he was concerned with justice in society. Although he was an Act Utilitarian like Bentham, his approach was similar to Mill’s, in that  the consequences take into account the welfare of the people. This is an improvement again on Bentham’s ethics as justice and welfare have importance over the selfish desires of individuals, which supports Mill and his superiority over Bentham’s Utilitarianism. In conclusion, Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior to that of Bentham’s, in that it looks at the welfare of the people more, and even though it is snobbish in some areas where Bentham’s approach is better, overall Mill’s approach is more improved as it looks as the happiness of others.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Japanese Food, Culture, and the Tanabata Festival

The Soba Incident by Duncan Dixon Moving to a new country and meeting a new culture always has the potential for incidents that are embarrassing at the time, but humorous later. The following incident happened to me several weeks after I arrived in Japan. I was in Odawara around noon and I decided I wanted to have some  ebi soba. I found a restaurant display that looked good and, because I could not speak Japanese, carefully copied down the characters under the display, on a piece of paper. I went into the restaurant and gave the paper to the waitress.She read it, gave a nod, and pointed me to a seat at a table in the middle of the restaurant. A lacquer box topped with soba soon appeared. It came with a bowl of broth leaving me with the problem of what to do with the broth. I knew I had to get the noodles and broth together somehow. I debated with myself for a few minutes, do I pick up the noodles and dip them, or pour the broth over the noodles? I finally came up with what seemed a suitable solution — pour half the broth over the noodles.I did this and watched to my dismay as the sauce ran our of the bottom of the noodles, across the table, and began dripping onto the floor. The other customers looked at me with thinly disguised amusement and I began to wish I had ordered something simple like katsu-don. About this time the waitress appeared and looked at me and the mess I had made. She disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a fork. By now I was completely embarrassed. I ate quickly and discovered the reason for my problem — the bamboo mat so cleverly hidden under the soba.I paid my bill and fled. To this day one thing puzzles me; I never did get the shrimp that were supposed to be on top of the soba. My First Tanabata  by Duncan Dixon * Read the two versions of my paragraph about Tanabata. * Which is for readers unfamiliar with Japan and which is for readers who know Japan? Version 1 Every July when the Tanabata festival arrives, I remember my first Tanabata. Tanabata is the Star Festival, traditionally celebrated in Japan July 7. In some cities people hang elaborate decorations from bamboo poles.To the poles they also attach papers on which they have written their wishes. Some friends told me that Tanabata in Hiratsuka was worth seeing so I took the bus downtown. I had been living in Japan for about nine months and didn't speak much Japanese yet. The downtown area was packed and I was constantly bumping into people. As I was making my way through the crowd, my hand brushed the shoulder of a young girl about three years old who was walking with her mother. Without looking up at me, the girl reached up and took my hand. Immediately, I was in a quandry.If she looks up and sees whose hand she has, she'll panic and start crying, but if I pull away quickly, she may also look up and panic. If her mother sees I have her by the hand, how can I explain what has happened? I'll be arrested for attempted kidnapping. All t hese thoughts rushed into my head as I walked along. Finally, after a few more metres, I was able to release my hand from the grasp of my escort and melt away into the crowd, undiscovered. Even today, the thought of what might have happened, makes me shiver. Version 2 Every July when the Tanabata festival arrives, I remember my first Tanabata.It was the year I was almost involved in an international incident. Some friends told me that Tanabata in Hiratsuka was worth seeing so I took the bus downtown. I had been living in Hatano, Kanagawa for about nine months and didn't speak much Japanese yet. The downtown area was packed and I was constantly bumping into people. As I was making my way through the crowd, my hand brushed the shoulder of a young girl about three years old who was walking with her mother. Without looking up at me, the girl reached up and took my hand.Immediately, I was in a quandry. If she looks up and sees whose hand she has, she'll panic and start crying, but if I p ull away quickly, she may also look up and panic. If her mother sees I have her by the hand, how can I explain what has happened? I'll be arrested for attempted kidnapping. All these thoughts rushed into my head as I walked along. Finally, after a few more metres, I was able to release my hand from the grasp of my escort and melt away into the crowd, undiscovered. Even today, the thought of what might have happened, makes me shiver.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Observation Techniques In Early Childhood and Education Essay

â€Å"By observation, we mean closely watch, listen to and generally attend to what a child is doing, and record your findings as accurately and objective as possible†. Reasons why observations are so important: To ensure normative development To know where children are in terms of Holistic development To plan developmental appropriate activities. To have a record of children’s progress in case of be required for the stakeholders (parents or other professionals) Through observations we can know children’s developmental progress and identify children with special needs. Factors that need to be taken under consideration when we carry out child observations (principles of good practice): Confidentiality: all information obtained in the observation must be treated with the strictest confidence (rights of the child and their family). Therefore: Ask for and get permission to carry out the observation from the parents or the workplace supervisor. Signature at the end of the observation is required. Never record the child’s name or the name of the childcare facility. Use codes to name the child (TC= Target child) or describe the childcare setting in general terms. Should not share this information outside the workplace setting. Accurate description: Record what is directly observable, not our own assumptions Example: TC appears to be very angry instead of TC is very angry. Objectivity: Observer must not be influenced for previous knowledge of the child, own emotional response to the child or interpretive things in a biased way (discriminatory). Children’s wishes and feelings: If the observation causes distress or discomfort to the child, you should stop. If a child ask you what are you doing, explain that you are watching her doing for example playing, you are very interested in what she is doing. Show what you are writing down if the child shows interest. Stop the observation and intervene if a child might have an accident, is going to be hurt or bullied. Disability: a child who has a disability may need extra time or support when being assessed. Ethnic, linguistic and cultural background: Find out form parents about a child’s home language development, including if a child is learning English as an additional language. It is also important to understand the child’s family culture, for example in some cultures show respect to adults is important, so the child seems â€Å"withdrawn†. To Involve the parents: Parental interviews, informal chats, home visits and questionnaires can give relevant information about the child development. Observation Techniques Narrative Description The observer writes down exactly what the child is doing and saying while being observed for 10 minutes or less. Codes are usually used to help write down everything quicker. The most popular is code system develop by Kathy Silva and her colleges (1980). Example: TC = Target child; C= Other child, A=Adult; ïÆ'  = Speaks to, eg. TCïÆ'  A Advantages No special equipment is needed. Very objective method. Enables to focus clearly on one child. Give detailed information about the child. Disadvantages Difficult to note down everything if the observer has not developed a good coding system. Difficult not to be interrupt. Checklist Description Use a list of skills typical for the age group of the  child we are observing. Normally used for Physical and Social development observations. Advantages Quick and easy to record and easy to understood. Observations can be carried out during different days. Familiar with milestones of development. Disadvantages Information record is limited to what is required by the checklist. Not relevant information may not be recorded. Great emphasis on the â€Å"milestones† of development, however children follow a similar developmental pattern, but they all develop in their own unique way. Time sample Description Give information about: Child’s activities (what the child is doing) Social group (who the child is with Language interactions (what the child is saying) Sometimes used when a child has difficult to interact with other children. Series of short observations (usually up to two minutes each) at regular intervals that must be decided in advance, to ensure objectivity. Advantages Good general picture of the child’s activities and interactions. To be able to carry out the observation in the normal daily routine. Disadvantages Give information just of one or two areas of development (social with some language). Can be difficult to interrupt what you are doing, or the observer may forget to observe at the time required. Personal learning Child observation is an important skill that must be learned and practiced when you want to work with children. We should have in account when we assess the child development that every child is unique and development is not directly related to age. To achieve conclusion about where child is in terms of holistic development must be an ongoing process of regular and periodic observation of the child in a wide variety of circumstances. Be aware that children have different learning styles, rates of learning and preferences therefore the assessment criteria can be met in different ways to suit the child. We should have in consideration as well the ethnic, linguistic and cultural background of the child and child’s parents and also if the child shows a disability or an additional need. Assessment a young children is not any easy task, it requires dedication, perseverance and time. The observer needs to pre-determine what needs to be assessed with regard to the child and then carefully plan what should be  collected over a period of time. In this way the observer can determinate what the child has learned or experienced. However, no matter which method of assessment is chosen, because each method has its strengths and limitations. That is why is very important to use different ways of assessing children to get an accurate, reliable level of the child development. REFERENCES Books: Flood, E.(2010).Child Development for Students in Ireland. Dublin.Gill & Macmillan. Meggitt, C, Kamen, T, Bruce, T., Grenier, J. (2011).Children and young people ´s Workforce.Oxon, Hodder Education an Hachette UK company. Website: Observation and Assessment, part â€Å"Special needs and early years†.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Final Reseach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Final Reseach - Research Paper Example Ford Mustang, Lincoln, Mercury, Volvo and the pickup trucks are some of the most popular automotive brands of the company. Even before the financial crisis struck the global economy, the automobile industry in general and Ford Motors in particular was incurring heavy losses in billions due to their inappropriate and untimely strategy of bringing luxurious and pricey cars to the market. Ford experienced a decline of 34% in its car sales in late 2008 as banks employed aggressive techniques for credit approval after the increasing statistics of loan defaults. Since automobile industry was already in financial trouble in 2006, the added credit tightening and increased fuel costs served a major set back to the industry as many suppliers struggled to breakeven (Millward, 2008). In the face of calamitous situation many automobile dealers had to sell out or close down their operations to avoid further losses For the past 100 years, the Ford Motors has been a strong runner up to the General Motors and a stable base for the U.S economy even though it went through troublesome times especially in 1950s when Henry Ford was in the last years of his life and also in 1970s and 1980s when the sudden outburst of Japanese imports posed a serious threat to the company’s profitability, survival and brand image. The 1990s were good years for the company as their pickup trucks, sports cars and minivans became the demand of the century while the Taurus became one of the most prominent passenger cars (Baki, 2004). In 1999 the company bought Volvo adding it to its list of European brands which included Aston Martin and Jaguar. Ford Motors formed the Premier Automotive group in 2000 when it bought Land Rover, expecting a surge in profitability and sales. The impact of the financial crisis on the automobile industry especially Ford Motors and

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 23

Philosophy - Essay Example This indicates that giving names limit the existence of a being or something. And because Taoism believes that the flow of the universe keeps the balance and order in the world, then the first section signifies that the flow of the universe started from the nameless creator and naming the creator would disrupt the balance of the universe since the nameless creator was the one who created everything. The nameless creator, thus, is the beginning of all things and without this beginning, it is not possible that the universe will flow freely as it is. The first section also discusses the two important themes of the book, the connection of the source of life and the manifestation of life. The source of life is the nameless creator, the manifestation of life is the mother of all existing beings. The difference between the unseen and the seen forces of the universe is presented in this section. The unseen is the nameless creator and the seen is the mother of all existing beings. Their connection with each other is defined as existing with each other. One cannot exist without the other since the foremost is the source of life and later is the manifestation of the life that the source has created. Without the manifestation of life, then it doesn’t make sense that the source of life created everything because there will be no physical form to it. Without the source of life, then there would be no manifestation of it. Therefore, one cannot exist without the other in discussing the beginning of all things. Understanding the existence of life is then presented as understanding the source and manifestation of life. It states that the source of both the nameless creator and the manifestation of life came from a single source but with different names, thus, understanding both would allow one to know the deepest mysteries of life. The way to the inner, which is the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cross-cultural Issues in International Management Essay

Cross-cultural Issues in International Management - Essay Example Other cultural factors do not seem to pose in major challenges. Leadership styles are quite similar as is apparent from the GLOBE study. English is commonly used there and hence communication will not be a major issue. With regard to style, Malaysians tend to be more indirect and hence our managers need to be patient while dealing with their Malaysian counterparts. The global economic slump and the US downturn will have some effect on the JV. But this need not cause any delays or postponements in the whole process. On the whole, if the steps recommended in this report are implemented, the joint venture will have a smooth cultural integration and all possible problems can be minimized. Employee management is a crucial function of management which calls for extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of management and behavioral sciences like psychology, sociology etc. The knowledge in these areas was sufficient enough to manage a firm which operates within the boundaries of a country. But, as the corporate world has gone international with globalization and liberalization policies enunciated in almost all countries, the role of human resource manager became so complicated than ever before. In the present global market, managers of multi national firms/joint ventures can no longer effectively manage their employees with their knowledge in the culture of their home country alone. Rather, they must possess multi-cultural knowledge which equips themselves with the techniques to manage employees who hail from different countries. The necessity of possessing these techniques is seriously felt in the present scenario simply because going global is the order of the day . The present report is meant to inform and make alert all concerned to face the challenges in the management of multi-nationals/joint ventures. The broad objectives for which the present report is prepared are: 1. To identify and analyze the cultural differences between United States of America and Malaysia. 2. To study the impact of cultural differences on the management, because of :- a. The differences in Leadership style b. Communication style and language c. Organization Structure 3. To analyze the impact of cultural differences on the employee performance 4. To study the issues and challenges before the management in managing the employees from both the countries. The present paper is purely qualitative and analytical in nature. The paper relies solely on secondary sources for data collection. Data sources such as Books and periodicals, electronic sources are extensively used. The data gathered are used for writing the report from an analytical perspective, but no analytical tool is used. The report is prepared in such a way that every one in the organization associated with the problem is able to comprehend the real issues and challenges of cross-cultural management. Literature Review: Cultural Differences between United States of America and Malaysia: Culture is a country specific term. Every country has a unique and distinct culture of its own which has a bearing on the life and life style of the people in that country. The culture and history are closely related in the sense that culture is formed and developed over years from the history of a country. The

Monday, August 26, 2019

Academy Honesty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academy Honesty - Essay Example Academic honesty is crucial in promoting original ideas and interpretation on issues and topics that are socially, economically and politically relevant. Besides being ethically correct, academic honesty fosters a new breed of innovative thinkers who have the power to influence the critically sensitive paradigms of our time which is fraught with conflicting ideologies and unholy alliances of the vested interests.The purpose of academics is to generate knowledge which is multiplied through interpretation in various formats by scholars. The existing database of knowledge is explored, modified, corrected or even expanded with more fresh inputs by other scholars, thus promoting academic honesty, which relies on acknowledging the efforts of other people. Hence, academic honesty is an important tool to safeguard not only one's works but also to encourage originality and innovative writing in academia.One can use academic honesty by acknowledging the efforts of other scholars and people thr ough proper citations. The ideas and writings of other scholars are duly recognized by having a detailed bibliography, in one's work.Academic honesty is critical to the advancement of knowledge and development of fresh ideas and perspectives on wide ranging issues.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Philosophers Matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Philosophers Matrix - Essay Example Through education, the individual is able to develop skills that enable him to be able to modify the environment he is in, in order to suit his demands. Therefore according to this theorist, through learning, the learner is able to acquire new behavior through the process of conditioning. Bode came up with the theory of cognitivism and he considered the patterns of learning as being a critical feature that led to change of behavior among individuals. He saw the memory system as being an active system that was organized in order to be able to process information. The knowledge processed played a vital role in learning. According to this theorist, learning is brain based and the ability for the brain to be able to differentiate between the wrong and right enables them to learn faster. This explains why in the learning institution we have students who tend to understand faster than the others. Rules and general principles that will guide the process are formulated by the learner. This enables the learner to become vital in the practical world real context. Learners are introduced to culture by more skilled members. The teacher acts as the facilitator who gives guidelines to be followed by the students and they are allowed to consult where they get stuck. The teacher encourages the learners to discover principles and new skills for themselves. It is through the skills that they are able to construct knowledge and solve the daily realistic problems. Transformative learning theorists argue that it is through the process of constructing and appropriating new ideas that one can understand the meaning and experience of the world (Ileris 82). One can only effect change through the process of reference as it is through such frame that we are able to define the views of the world. The fact that teachers are likely to insist on the idea of learning new skills, learners engage themselves more in classroom

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Meth Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meth Study - Essay Example Hence in a long term user of methamphetamine, there is the likelihood of having experienced methamphetamine in its various forms (Christophersen, 2000) Methamphetamine can be administered through several routes inclusive of smoking, snorting, orally and intravenously using its crystalline form (Methamphetamine Information: history of methamphetamine). Effects of methamphetamine use could vary depending on the route of administration. For example when crystalline form of methamphetamine is used intravenously, there is a rapid increase in blood pressure. Repeated intravenous use of methamphetamine could thus enhance the risk of arteriosclerosis (Berankova, Habrdova, Balikova & Strejc, 2005) These two factors increase the relevance of the history of the misuse of methamphetamine in a long term user, in studies related to methamphetamine misuse. This is the main limitation in methamphetamine misuse studies, as reliable history may not be available. According to Colfax (2005), confusion is demonstrated by individuals addicted to methamphetamine. This means that reliable history of misuse cannot be got from the concerned individual. Tests and analysis of blood and urine are not capable of providing sufficient information relating to the history of the misuse. This limitation on the availability of sufficient and reliable information makes it difficult to correlate reliably the results available to the toxic effects demonstrated by the long term use of methamphetamine (Berankova, Habrdova, Balikova & Strejc, 2005) Ferri (2006), points out that methamphetamine has a highly and almost immediate addictive nature. Animal studies confirm the highly addictive nature of methamphetamine and indicate the effects of the long term use of methamphetamine. Results from animal findings have led to the hypothesis that long term use of methamphetamine causes reduction in the dopaminergic activity. This drop in dopaminergic activity is believed to be due the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Theology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Theology - Case Study Example rk through preaching and baptism in river Jordan, were a fulfillment of prophesies by prophet Isaiah and given my prior reading of the book of Isaiah (Mark 1 NIV), I found the events in Mark familiar. I would like to know Mark’s understanding of the book of Isaiah and how he clearly identified and documented the events during the time of John to be a fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. A few questions I would like answered on the author; Apostle Mark in this case is: Did he witness the life of John or was the information passed to him through narration by either man or the Holy Spirit? Did he out rightly believe that Jesus was the Messiah Isaiah talked about or was he convinced by the miracles and preaching that Jesus later did during his time on earth? I would equally like to know how the early readers understood the book of Mark, especially those who were witnesses to the life of both John and Jesus. Did they connect with the writings as we do today or were there better believers given their eye witness accounts of these happenings? "Mark 1 NIV - John the Baptist Prepares the Way - The - Bible Gateway." A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2013.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Temporary monopolies and intellectual property rights Essay Example for Free

Temporary monopolies and intellectual property rights Essay What are the arguments for and against allowing temporary monopolies by allowing intellectual property rights? What forms of intellectual property exist for designs, and how are these different from patents and copyright? Knowledge and creativity are essential components in product innovation, and significantly contribute toward sustaining a competitive edge. Allowing temporary monopolies by allowing intellectual property rights have both pros and cons. Advantages of allowing a temporary monopoly by allowing intellectual property rights offers the benefit of protection from other competitors from benefiting from the innovation, and provides the opportunity to research and develop a product, and regain the costs involved in the process, to include make a profit. Disadvantages of allowing a temporary monopoly by allowing intellectual property rights include a decrease in potential in optimal creativity and innovation simply because no challenge exists typically produced when there are competitors. In addition, the consumer does not have the ability to explore and compare like and similar products, eliminating the opportunity to purchase the product of choice, to include purchase at a lower cost. Various forms of intellectual property exist for design. These include patent, copy and trade rights. A patent right allows for exclusive design and manufacturing, and protects the product from being sold by another competitor without license. Copyrights protect the original creativity of the inventor, and Trademark protects the design, the uniqueness of the product when sold in the competitive market. Reference: Tidd, J. Bessant, J. (2009). Managing Innovation Integrating Technological Market and Organizational Change, 4th Edition. (John Wiley Sons Ltd).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Example for Free

Separation of a mixture of solids Essay A. How did your proposed procedures or flow charts at the beginning of this experiment compare to the actual procedures of this lab exercise? When I began filling out my flow chart, I was slightly confused on how the actual experiment was supposed to work. After watching the separation and a few times trying some steps I understood the experiment. B.Discuss potential advantages or disadvantages of your proposed procedure compared to the one actually used. The filtered item with the paper took longer than expected to dry and I actually still had some wet particles on my paper. When performing these steps without direct supervision it can be hard to make sure you are doing things correctly. There could be many errors with measurement and all of the mixture could not be separated. C.How would you explain a sand recovery percentage that is higher than the original sand percentage? To explain this I would say that not all of the other mixtures were actually separated from the sand. D.What were potential sources of error in this experiment? The potential sources of error were in the weighing of the item and in whether or not the item was all the way dry or filtered. Final Conclusion: (Summarize the most important findings and what you learned from this lab) I learned that through various procedures, different pieces of mixtures can be separated and that each has its own distinct properties. If I were to simply look at a mixture I would not know that all of the items could be separated into their own category.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems Ardeliza Lansang Technologies for Intrusion Detection   Ã‚   Prompt: Both firewalls and intrusion detection systems are used to monitor network traffic and implement network security policies. Research these technologies and determine how they are similar and how they differ. Are both needed? Explain your answer in a short paper. (SNHU. n.d.) BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Technology has enhanced our functional lives by providing us with innovations (e.g., stationary and portable devices). It has also developed various modes of communications (e.g., VOiP, video conferencing, email, SMS). These advancements have allowed individuals and business the ability to remain connected with one another continuously and globally, regardless of time and space. Concurrently, the digital or information age has also produced serious network concerns and threats. The prevalent problems range from phishing, scamming, cyber-bullying to network services disruption (such as DoS, or denial of service), information or identity theft and information sabotage. Cyber or Internet crimes have resulted in diminishing or halting productivity. They have also caused victims to suffer physical, mental, emotional and financial loss. To counter ominous risks, various software and hardware products have been manufactured to prevent and combat unauthorized access to the network systems. Implementing the necessary security measures can eliminate or decrease the ongoing vulnerability to cyber violations. In addition to having a stable security infrastructure, it is crucial to raise awareness of any threats among users and to remind them of their responsibilities toward maintaining security or how to work against malicious activities (e.g., secure password, keeping software and the OS current, safeguarding sensitive information, etc.) FIREWALL: A firewall is a hardware or a software (or a combination of both) that sits between a LAN and the Internet. Acting as a barrier between a trusted and an untrusted network, its main function is to filter traffic in a networked environment by blocking unauthorized or harmful activities and permitting authorized communications. By monitoring the incoming and outgoing network traffic, a firewall is fundamentally the first line of peripheral defense against any intrusions.   (Bradley.) A firewall not only enhances the security of a host or a network but also protects and shields the applications, services, and machines that are attached to the network system. By checking data packets, it allows nonthreats to pass through. Conversely, it either drops, erases, denies or returns threats to the sender. (Sherman.) Types of firewalls: Packet filters: Packet filtering is the process of allowing or preventing packets at a network interface by checking destination port number source and destination addresses, and/or protocols. In a software firewall, a packet filter program examines the header of each packet based on a specific set of rules and is either passed (called ACCEPT) or prevented (called DROP). ( Stateful inspection This firewall technology (also referred to known as dynamic packet filtering, monitors the state of active connections. Based on this information and by analyzing packets down to the application layer, it determines which network packets to permit passage through the firewall. It monitors and tracks communications packets over a length of time. ( Proxys: Proxy firewalls, in combination with stateful inspection firewall perform deep application inspections (e.g., layer 7 protocols such as HTTP, FTP). Unlike stateful firewalls which cannot inspect application layer traffic, proxys can prevent an HTTP-based attack. This process is achieved by making the firewall act as a proxy, i.e., after the client opens a connection to the firewall, the firewall opens a separate connection to the server on behalf of the client (without the clients knowledge). ( Benefits of firewall: Protects against routing-based attacks Controls access to systems Ensures privacy Drawbacks of firewall: Difficult to configure Possibility of blocking nonthreats or useful services Could allow back door attack (via modem access) No antivirus protection Possible performance problems (or, cause potential bottleneck) Security tends to be concentrated in a single spot INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS (IDS): An IDS can also be software- or hardware-based, such as a separate computer, that monitors network activity in a single computer, or a specific network or multiple networks within a WAN. It attempts to identify and evaluate a suspected intrusion once it has occurred by signaling an alarm and trying to stop it. It is akin to a smoke detector that raises an alarm at the signs of threat. (Pfleeger and Pfleeger.) It oversees traffic by identifying patterns of activity and comparing the information to attacks that are already listed in the IDS database. For example, detected anomalies are compared with normal levels, i.e., a high level of or a spike in packet size or activity could mean a hacking attack. The technology is typically use to enforce corporate policy and are not configured to drop, delete or deny traffic. It primarily generates warning signals or alarms. (Sherman.) IDS can be network based or host based: NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection Systems), which are placed at a strategic point or points within the network, oversee inbound and outbound traffic among all devices on the network. In this system, anti-threat software is installed only at specific servers that interface between the external environment and the internal network. ( HIDS (Host Intrusion Detection Systems), which are conducted on individual hosts or devices on the network, monitor the incoming and outgoing packets from the device only and will signal an alert when suspicious activity is identified.   In this system, anti-threat applications (e.g., firewalls, antivirus and spyware-detection software) are installed on every computer connected to the network system and that has access to the Internet. ( Benefits of IDS: Enables the detection of external hackers and internal network-based attacks Can be scaled easily, providing protection for the entire network Accommodates in-depth defense Allows an additional layer of protection Drawbacks of IDS: Produces false reports (positives and negatives) Acknowledges attacks but does not prevent them Expensive to implement, requiring full-time monitoring and highly-skilled staff Requires a complex event-response process Unable to monitor traffic at higher transmission rates Produces a tremendous amount of data to be analyzed Vulnerable to low and slow attacks Cannot deal with encrypted network traffic CONCLUSION: Both firewall and IDS complement one another. While a firewall limits network access to prevent intrusions or watches out for intrusions to prevent them from occurring, it does not signal an attack from inside the network the way an IDS does. While a firewall can block traffic or connection, IDS cannot. It can only alert any intrusion attempts. It monitors attacks and evaluates intrusions that are specifically designed to be overlooked by a firewalls filtering rules. A firewall is analogous to a security guards or personnel at the gate and an IDS device is a security camera after the gate. Another analogy that can be used is that a firewall is akin to installing locks on doors to prevent intrusion; IDS is installing security systems with alarms. ( References Barbish, J. J. (n.d.). Chapter 29. Firewalls. Retrieved on March 6, 2017 from Bradley, T. (August 21, 2016). Introduction to Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Retrieved on March 6, 2017 from Difference between Firewall and Intrusion Detection System. (n.d.). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Firewall. (n.d.). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Firewalls. (n.d.). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Gattine, K. (n.d.). Types of firewalls: An introduction to firewalls. Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from HIDS/NIDS (host intrusion detection systems and network intrusion detection systems). (n.d.). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from IDS/IPS Pros and Cons. (n.d.). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Kurose, J. F., Ross, K. W. (2013). Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from Pfleeger, C.P. and Pfleeger, S.L. (March 28, 2003). Security in Networks. .). Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Sherman, F.   (n.d.). The Differences between a Firewall and an Intrusion Detection System. Retrieved on March 10, 2017 from Short Paper/Case Study Analysis Rubric. (n.d.). Retrieved on January 7, 2017 from

The Nature of the Heart in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay

The Nature of the Heart in The Scarlet Letter  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Sacrificing of the soul and dedication can lead to suffering for some, but meaning in life for others. This is the main theme of The Scarlet Letter,by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story takes place in the seventeenth century in Puritan New England. The main character of the legend is Hester Prynne, who has an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister, and they produce Pearl. Hester's husband, Roger Chillingworth is the town physician. He is seen as the healer, collecting magical herbs to make medicine. Hawthorne twists the purpose of the physician by turning these healing powers into vengeance for an unhappy man. Hawthorne takes the theme and symbolizes the different characters as a part of nature. He also uses imagery to show the different relationships between the characters. He achieves this by showing the dramatic differences between good and evil through light, darkness and shadows being cast upon the earth. When he does this, he draws the reader in and lets them visualize the human nature of struggling lovers. The story opens with a view of the Prison-Door. Near the door are glimpses of men and women surrounded by a cloud of gray. The first hint at nature is to "a wild rosebush, covered . . . with delicate gems . . . offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner" (53). The rosebush was shown as the heart of nature that provided pity and comfort to any prisoner which was within its walls. Nearly seven years after Hester's public exhibition for her sin in the Marketplace, she and her young daughter are visiting in the Governor's Hall. Pearl was immediately drawn to the rosebushes in the garden. She begins to scream and throws a fit in her desire... ...eminders of how sinners can truly learn about what type of person they honestly are. Hester would always help people and Dimmesdale would never be true to himself about his religion. The doctor was perhaps the most significant character of the whole story. He would always help people, even if it meant helping them die. Pearl was the reminder of how a free person can really prevail. Hawthorne used his symbolism through nature to show how people develop and rediscover themselves and life. His symbolism also showed how different parts of nature die and how others thrive based on the way they decide to live. He made this connection with the sinners and let the readers picture the relationship between them by using the symbolism through nature.    "Works Cited" Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The World's Great Classics: The Scarlet Letter. New York: Grolier Incorporated.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Study Skills Essay -- essays research papers

STUDY SKILL SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN ELMENTARY SCHOOL The reason that most people High School don’t have good study skills is because they were not taught proper study habits in Elementary School, where this should be taught. To achieve good grades in high school a person must be disciplined in their study habits. Once a person reaches high school these habits must be ingrained into the personality of the young person so that they are second nature or it is to late. Part of the Elementary school teaching there must be a course that teaches children as young as grade 1 or 2 how to do homework. This has to include how to break down a project into manageable pieces so that a child will know how to meet deadlines for major projects once they reach middle school and they are expected to hand work in on time without help from the teachers. To achieve this the following lessons must be taught. How to take notes in class. Taking accurate note is a major responsibility for people and without proper notes homework can and is a challenge. Here are a few simple steps to note taking. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Go to class prepared. This means having all the materials that you will need to participate in the class fully. Having pencils sharpened and enough paper to take all the notes that are needed. Nothing will hurt you more than having to stop and find more paper or pencil/pen in the middle of a lecture because once you have found what you are looking for the lecture has moved on and you have lost your concentration, or you have missed some of the points being lectured on. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Avoid distractions. By this I mean - no eating, drinking or talking. You are there to take notes and that should be the only thing you are doing. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Class Discussions. These are often more helpful than the lecture them self. When the class is discussing the subject ask questions and get clear answers because often the teacher is talking so fast that you will miss a point or two in the class discussions will be the time to clarify anything in the lecture that you didn’t understand in the lecture. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pick out key word phrases. Then the teacher says things like â€Å" the main point is †¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å" to summarize†¦.† These are the main points to write down don’t miss them. Also if something is repeated... ...ld. Write this down and ask the teacher for help organizing your projects. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ELEMINATE ALL DISTRACTIONS. This means the TV off, No talking on the Phone no Load music, even send your little brother and sister out of the room if they don’t have homework too. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Good health. Part of getting good study skills is to be healthy. Get the proper amount of sleep of your age and eat three good meals a day. The brain works better when it has been fed. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, take breaks from homework when you need to. Stretch, get something to munch on, or have a drink. When you feel yourself getting frustrated this is a sign you need a break. Once you are stuck on a problem for a few minutes take a break for a minute or so and go back to it, this will help you refocus on the problem and give you a better prospective on it. If these simple study skills were taught to young children in elementary school, teachers in high school will have less trouble getting their students to do their homework. I know if I would have been taught how to study maybe my homework would get done and handed in on time.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Epic of Beowulf Essay - Honor and Dishonor :: Epic Beowulf essays

Beowulf:   Balance of Values  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Symbolizing honor and strength, control of the "wine-hall" passes into the hands of the victor, under the traditional laws of the Danes and Geats. As Beowulf triumphs over the fiend, Grendel, he casts off the shame and dishonor which would have befallen him, and full control of the wine-hall, as well as territorial supremacy, are clearly his. Only later in the poem does Beowulf begin to lose the primacy that had been exclusively his domain. Even in death, however, Beowulf is immortalized by the members of his tribe, and by the writer, as he passed into glorious history His funeral pyre, and monument on the coast, bore witness to his greatness. It seems that the avoidance of shame and dishonor in one's youth establishes a life-long pattern in Geat Society, whether minor failures are registered later in life or not. Once a great warrior, Beowulf remains one. His people thrive on his noble character and triumphs; his opponents tremble at his name, in awe and respect. Further, inter-tribal generosity and openness, for example, during scenes of thankfuness for the victory over Grendel, are also qualities which shine forth throughout this saga, further advancing the premise that this Geat warrior-king and his people embody all of the characteristics thought noble and high-minded in the eyes of his tribesmen. The obvious premium placed on the "honor of victory", and the "shame of defeat" is demonstrated again and again in violent confrontations which punctuate this dramatic tale. The narrator seems to persist in focusing on the same acts of valor, varying the descriptions only slightly, as one passage melts into the next. On many occasions, women surround the victor; wine, treasure or tribute are exchanged and valiant acts are praised in song and dance. Nonetheless, destruction of one's reputation is possible, as well, as the poet points out in the tragic episode dealing with Haetheyn who inadvertently killed his own kinsman.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Equal Opportunity, written by Walter Mosely Essay

In this short story, Equal Opportunity, written by Walter Mosely, Socrates Furtlow, an ex-convict, faces the dilemma of getting a job. Socrates served 27 years in prison after killing two of his friends while drunken. Furtlow was now living life as a bumb who went around selling old bottles and cans to make a living. This story tells his struggle to find honorable work as a black man in society because of his background. He ended up lying on his application because he was afraid of what people might think. Although there was discrimination and disrespect not being completely honest with people may come back to haunt you later. A 58 year-old man who hadn’t worked in 37 years would have a hard time finding a job as it is the fact that Socrates was an African American didn’t make anything easier. Socrates assumed places of business in his home neighborhood, knowing his background, wouldn’t even think of hiring him. So Socrates traveled approximately 14 miles and 3 bus transfers from his apartment in Watts, to a Bounty Supermarket to try and get a job. He had been practicing for a week on how he would ask for his job application. Though he was a murderer and not a thief, as he entered the store, he wondered what the workers would think if they knew of his prison background. The assistant manager, Anton a young white man came up to Socrates and asked if could help him. Socrates felt as though he was being miss treated from the get go. After Socrates asked for â€Å"an application† Anton played dumb acting as though he didn’t understand what kind of application he was asking for. Once Socrates made it clear he was there for a â€Å"job application† Anton had yet another insulting question, â€Å"Uh. How old are you, sir?† (p. 2626) Being a man of imprisonment of twenty-seven years, Socrates knew his rights and knew that it was unlawful to discriminate against someone by their age or race. Anton continued to say that they didn’t have any openings at the time and made it clear that he wasn’t going to get an application. Socrates also made it clear that he wasn’t going to be turned away so easily. â€Å"I know what you said. But first you looked at my chothes and at my bald head. First yo’ eyes said that this is some kinda old hobo and what do he want here when it ain’t bottle redemption time.† (Gates and McKay p. 2626) Everyone should have an equal opportunity in getting a job and at least a fair chance with an application. After Socrates and Anton discussed their  rights and the law the assistant manager went to the main office to fetch and application. The elevated office looked over all the checkout counters and where Socrates stood waiting. Socrates was then center of attention to all the bag boys and checkers as they all knew their boss, Anton was unhappy. Anton and an older white woman exchanged a few words then she handed him the application and he stormed back down to Socrates. Rudely handing him the app Anton was about to go on with his day but Socrates wanted a pencil to fill it out and give it back. He had come a long way to turn in an application not just receive a sheet of paper and wasn’t leaving until he did so. Thirty minutes later Socrates stood at the foot of the stairs leading up to the main office with his almost completed application in hand. Nearly forty minutes passed and he knew they could see him and he could see them but he waited patiently, on the outside, though inside he was thinking of throwing a brick through the window. He had a few questions for the manager, Ms. Halley Grimes, when she finally came down to take the application but she rudely tried to brush my off as though she were too busy. She told him they would give him a call if it went through the main office and came back fine. He then told her he had no phone and it would be better if they wrote to him, but she unwilling to help in any way explained that without a phone she could do no more for him. He begged for her to just send it in anyway and he would find a way to be in touch. So for five consecutive days Socrates took three busses to the Bounty Supermarket to ask if they had heard from the head office. The woman started to worry and told Socrates again that because he hadn’t a phone he couldn’t work there and that he returned she would call the police. On the fifth day he showed up and two gentlemen from headquarters were there to speak with him. Socrates told his story and how he had been mistreated from day one and that he was told he couldn’t work if he didn’t have a phone. Socrates then explained that with no job he couldn’t afford a phone and with no phone he couldn’t get a job. That is probably the most adverse way of showing the meaning of â€Å"equal opportunity†. The two men explained why he would not be able to work at that location because Ms. Grimes was afraid of him, but that they may have a job in Santa Monica. Lying on an application is a crime in itself. Socrates didn’t fill in one question on his application know if they knew what he was he wouldn’t have a chance at a job. The two men noticed the  blank question and confronted Socrates. After all his talk about equal opportunity and the law, he lied and said it was just an honest mistake and that he was clean. So the two men gave him the job in Santa Monica and he would finally have a paycheck coming in, that is until the untold comes back to bite him in the rear. You can be fired just as fast as you were hired, or slow in his case, if you lie on an application. This story begins a series of confrontations (with violence lying just below the surface) that explore both the necessity and the irony of equal opportunity. Works cited Gates, Jr., and Nellie Y. McKay. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. 2nd. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004. Print.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Erosion: Fertilizer and Conservation Stewardship Program

There are three causes of soil erosion over cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation. All of these causes can be corrected in different ways. Over cultivation is when the land is repeatedly tiling and producing crops faster than the soil can restore resulting in a decrease in the soil value and productivity. One of the ways that over cultivation can be corrected is by a technique called no-till agriculture. No-till agriculture is a procedure where chemicals kill weeds and the seeds are planted without having to plow the soil. Fertilizer is another source of correction in over cultivation. Fertilizer is a process in which nutrients such as organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer are added to the soil to nutrient the crops. Organic fertilizers consist of manure and inorganic fertilizers consist of chemical fertilizers. Other methods are used to prevent over cultivation such as contour strip cropping and shelterbelts. Contour strip cropping is where the farmer will plow the land across rather than up and down which reduces the occurrence of water erosion. The rows of trees around the plowed land are called shelterbelts reducing the risk of wind erosion. Overgrazing is another cause of soil erosion. Overgrazing is where there are more animals existing on a piece of land than the land can maintain. During the process of overgrazing the land losses its grass production and the land becomes bare causing wind and water erosion leaving the soil tainted. The Conservation Stewardship program provides information on how farmers can burn woody plants giving them the means to be able to plant grass seeds that hold water and to be able to manage cattle and move them to another land stopping overgrazing from occurring. The means of removing trees and vegetation covering soil and converting the forest into another land of use causing erosion and soil productiveness is called deforestation. The best way to correct deforestation is to cut down trees and to plant more trees. There have been many organizations developed to try to stop deforestation. Some of these organizations are Center for Global Development’s, Group of Earth Observations’, and Avoided Deforestation Partners.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Explain What Christians Believe About the Sanctity of Life and Especially Their Responsibility Essay

All Christian beliefs, believe in the sanctity of life. This means that life is sacred as God has given us life. But many of the different Christian religions have different views on the way both Abortions and Euthanasia should be handled. Catholics believe that life begins at the moment of conception. But from a quote from Jeremiah 1:5 ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you’. This shows that God has already given the child there special personalities and talents even before they are born. This quote forms the base of the Vatican’s Stance on contraception. They completely disagree with condoms, ‘The Pill’ and any other forms of contraception. They are also totally against the idea of Abortion. This is shown in the Humane Vitae. Mother Teresa is totally against Abortion as from this quote we can tell that she thinks that it is a sin. ‘Any country that accepts Abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants’. This shows that she backs up the views of the Roman Catholic that Abortion is a tragic sin. But the Church of England and many other religions such as Quakers and Lutheran believe that Abortion is acceptable to have an Abortion in certain circumstances, such as rape or when mental or physical damage cause be inflicted on the mother or/and child. They disagree with the beliefs of the Roman Catholic as we all have free will and having Abortion is in the rights of free will. Also there is no quote the bible that clearly states that Abortion is wrong. At the other end of the life scale Euthanasia is also another controversial issue. All Christians believe that we as human are all created by God. This is shown in Psalm 139:16 ‘You saw my unborn body’. This shows that when David sung the psalm he was telling the people that God knew you before you were born, showing that as our bodies an minds are unique we all must treat our minds with respect as otherwise we shall be committing a sin against God. Due to the fact that Jesus was human and he was the person who saved us from original sin then Euthanasia is a sin against God. Under no personal or social circumstances could ever, can now, or will ever, should Euthanasia ever render such an act lawful in itself†. Pope John Paul II clearly states in this quote made in 1989 that he is totally against the idea of contraception. In the bible it states that God is the only person who can take a life. This shows that the Roman Catholics are all against the idea of Euthanasia, making it a mortal sin. Where as the Church of England and the Society of Friends would argue that if the person is likely to die very soon then using free will they should be allowed to use euthanasia as they no that they are going to die any way. Also they believe that someone should not be put to sleep immediately, but they can stop taking the medication that is keeping them alive to speed up the death. But this can cause the law trouble as they cannot tell completely what has happened. In the law it is illegal to have euthanasia performed on you. If you were found guilty you would have to face charges of man slaughter. In the it says that death is not the end of the road only the end of the first part.

Poorly Written Report

Example of a Poorly Written Report â€Å"Loose Bolts? † February 30, 1973 The film â€Å"Loose Bolts? † is an analysis of what became known as the Lordstown syndrome by business week magazine. Interviews with workers, foremen, and union officials in this film show how a bored and dissatisfied works turns out cars (Chevy Vega's) with major flaws. I recommend this film to anyone interested in the study of worker attitudes. – Paul Marshall, Professor of Management, Harvard Business School The filmmaker is skillful and perceptive in portraying the boredom and hopelessness of the men in this factory. † – Roberta Peterson This case involves inserting ourselves at the anus level of management who supervise approximately many workers on an assembly line at the Lordstown, Ohio, GM plant in 1972. Our goal is to come up with some meaningful differences we could have made as a foremen in improving employee-management relations at that time. Our primary goal is t o improve worker-management relationships.From Loose Bolts, â€Å"The ideal foreman could not let the people he managed know he is in agreement with them. If he is in sympathy with the people, he is dead as a foreman or as a supervisor. He’s lost the ballgame as far as conducting his job satisfactorily as a member of management. † If we read this quote and believe in it, our analysis should stop right here, it ain't worth wasting our time no more†¦. but we believe their are some things foremen could have been done to improve lots and lots of things in the plant.High management often referred to assembly line workers as idiots. In spite of this, it was not necessary for a foreman to continue this behavior and treat and refer to his subordinates as â€Å"idiots†, or treat them like dumb asses. It ain't that hard to treat people with a little r-e-s-p-e-k-t. Workers had suggestions about how to improve work performance on the assembly line, but the half-baked f oremen never passed them along to upper management. Another quote from â€Å"Loose Bolts? â€Å", â€Å"The whole plant runs on fear.Everybody's scared, from the top down. † â€Å"General Motors imported foremen from existing GM plants. General Motors thus inadvertently channeled the energies and sympathies of ambitious young workers away from the company and into union activism. From the beginning, the plant was a site of labor-management conflict. † (Joseph A. Arena, â€Å"The Little Car that Did Nothing Right: the 1972 Lordstown Assembly Strike, the Chevrolet Vega, and the Unraveling of Growth Economics†) Lee Iacoocoo CEO, Chrysler Motors

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Arterial Blood Gas

Symptoms of Arterial Blood Gas: ABG is ordered as a means to evaluate or control the patient's respiration and metabolic acid / base balance. This test evaluates the pH of the patient's blood and is used as an indicator of specific causes of acidosis or alkalosis. ABG is also used to measure the adequacy of acid / base balance treatment. ABG can also be used to measure oxygenation saturation. Types of tests and testing procedure: ABG is usually obtained by taking arterial blood. If OHS is suspected, various tests are necessary for confirmation. The most important initial test is to prove the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This requires arterial blood gas measurements, including the collection of blood samples from the arteries, usually the radial arteries. Given that this test can be complicated for each patient with sleep-related breathing problems, measuring the level of bicarbonate in normal (vein) blood is a reasonable I believe it will be a screening test . When rising (more than 27 mmol / l), it is necessary to measure blood gas The arterial blood gas (ABG) test measures acidity (pH) and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in arterial blood. This test is used to ascertain the extent to which lungs pump oxygen into the bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. When blood passes through the lungs, oxygen enters the bloodstream and carbon dioxide flows from the blood into the lungs. The ABG test uses blood taken from arteries that can measure oxygen and carbon dioxide levels before entering body tissues. Dr. Ori can do this test or trained person (Timby, 2009). Mr. J's blood test was sent to microbiology for testing, so it was useful for diagnosis and pointed out the extent of her influence on her illness. ABG provides interdisciplinary team information on oxygenation of the patient, adequacy of ventilation, acid-base level. Skinner (2005) and Adam (2009) agree that arterial blood gas analysis is an important part of patient's ventilation therapy and its acid-base balance diagnosis and management. Skinner continues to say that the usefulness of this intervention depends on the ability of medical professionals to analyze and interpret all aspects of gas. Nettina (2005) describes a test procedure called Allen, a test for evaluating a puncture site before puncture. This evaluates the circulation in the hand and whether it is appropriate to use the radial artery for puncture. The place is cleaned with alcohol, the allergic condition reduces discomfort and allows the use of anesthetic to increase the chances of success

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Decision Making Assessment of your organization Term Paper

Decision Making Assessment of your organization - Term Paper Example The problem needs to be defined first and there should not be any type of disagreement between the stakeholder and the decision maker. The criteria, requirements and goals need to be set properly. For effective decision making the problem should be first defined. The problem statement should clearly state the initial and desired conditions. The root cause along with the limiting assumptions needs to be identified. The second step of decision making is to set the requirements clearly. By requirement it is meant that conditions that are the acceptable solution to the problem must meet. Again solution to the problem must meet the requirement. The third step of decision making deals with setting up the goal. Goal does not only mean requirement to be met but it means clearly defining the wants and desires. The forth step defines identification of the alternatives. The alternatives should be close to the requirements of the condition. It transforms the initial condition into desired condit ion. The fifth step is to clearly define the criteria for the problem solution. For judging the effectiveness of the alternative, setting of criteria becomes important. Whether the alternative properly achieves the goal or not is dependent on the definition of criteria. For solving the decision problem proper tool needs to be used. Selection of proper tool is a challenging task and depends on the decision of the decision maker. In the seventh step the alternatives are mapped with the criteria to see whether the alternatives are in sync with the criteria. After this evaluation is done the decision maker now ranks the alternatives and chooses the most promising alternatives. In the final step the alternatives chosen by the decision maker needs to be validated with the requirement and goal of the problem (Fulop, n.d., pp. 1-3). This study assesses the decision making process of US Army Corp Engineer and helps the senior leaders in understanding the decision making culture of the organi zation. Decision making environment US Army Corp Engineer has a large team of dedicated soldiers and civilians who are delivering engineering services to their customers. Environmental sustainability is the guiding principal of the organization, which encourages the employees to work diligently and efficiently to strengthen the communications of United States by building proper infrastructure. US Army Corp aims towards promoting stability and improving quality of life. Developing the waterways of America is one of the chief mottos of US Army Corp. By doing this they aim to energize the economy of the nation by improving the movement of the commodities and providing recreation opportunities to the lakes and marinas. Therefore most of the decision making process involves the procedures related to the development of the waterways (About Us, 2013). Behind any decision taken by the US Corp Engineers the main reason is to â€Å"strengthen the security system, energize the economy and red uce the risks from disasters† (Mission & Vision, 2013). For this motive a group of skilled individual is constantly working to provide innovative and sustainable solutions (Mission & Vision, 2013) In the policy of the US Army Corp a special guidance to the planning of integrated watershed and coastal system has been found. The development clearly states that civil works planning must incorporate watershed whether the planning involves project viability study or

Monday, August 12, 2019

Reasoning and Problem Solving Essay on Obesity Problem

Reasoning and Problem Solving on Obesity Problem - Essay Example Preventive / therapeutic interventions and systematic application of knowledge has succeeded in curing most diseases afflicting humanity, unless they are of incurable nature, such as AIDS or malignancy. Economic prosperity in the last few decades of the twentieth century, the resultant sedentary lifestyle which is not in accordance with how nature intended man to lead his life, has given rise to utterly novel diseases which were unheard of in the primitive world. Obesity is one such disease, which has reached serious proportions in recent times in the American society as well as other affluent nations of the world. Obesity cannot be classified in the traditional framework of diseases, as it does not have any infectious or pathological cause, except a few exceptional genetic factors which make certain people more prone to this malady. Generally obesity has been observed in affluent nations, in people irrespective of race or ethnic background. It is more of a lifestyle disease which can be prevented by going back to nature. Obesity is a scourge affecting majority of the people in the US and in other parts of the world where affluence and dietary patterns are congenial for its incidence. United States of America is a nation which has led the world in terms of economic growth, industrialization and application of technology for a better life for its citizens during the major part of the twentieth century. Tremendous growth in the various states and cities of America, improvements in terms of civic amenities and healthcare has resulted in a lifestyle in the majority of the population which is unfortunately, not in tune with nature. In the United States, the last thirty years have churned up increasing number of obese people with 65% of today’s adult population suffering from one or the other obesity related problems ( The number of obese children living in the United States has quadrupled over the last fifty years. The latest figures suggest

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Replay Sports Bar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Replay Sports Bar - Essay Example The researcher affirms that Replay Sports Bar will be offering private and public lounges where people can enjoy the game. Private lounges can be booked by people for a particular time so that they can enjoy any match with their friends and family. The idea of this business is to make sports more thrilling and exciting to watch with the help of advanced technology like LCD and Plasma Screens, Home theatre systems etc. In addition to this, Replay Sports Bar will be building relationships with the client so that they become long term customers of the company. Analysts predict that the industry would grow as the economy recovers from recession. The sales of the industry have been highly influenced because of recession and people have been highly conscious during recession about where they should spent money and this reduced the overall sales of the industry. Though, as the economy recovers, the sales of the industry would grow. Although there are competitors operating in the industry bu t they do not offer such exciting environment and atmosphere as the management of Replay Sports Bar will be offering and thus it will be the main point to attract customers. Also competitors do not focus on offering personalised services and building relationships with the client, therefore it will be another additional advantage to Replay Sports Bar. Replay Sports Bar will also focus on maintaining quality of food and offering foods at a quick time so that people do not have to wait a long to get their meal. According to projections, Replay Sports Bar expects to make profits from the first year. Financial statements show that Replay Sports Bar would make a profit of ?3,500 in the first year which is expected to increase with the passage of time. It has been estimated that the sales of Replay Sports Bar would increase in 2013 and also it will also expand in some other city as well. Profit margin of Replay Sports Bar is expected to be 7%, 13% and 18% in 2012, 2013 and 2014 respective ly. 2.0. mission, vision & culture 2.1. Mission Statement â€Å"To be the leading bar that offers exceptional environment for sport lovers to watch every single match at Replay Sports Bar† 2.2. Vision Statement â€Å"To become the leader in the Sports Bar Industry of UK† 2.3. Culture: Replay Sports Bar will be having a friendly culture and environment where employees will be trained to greet customers and ensure that customers are highly satisfied. The environment created at the Replay Sports Bar will make even non-sports lover enjoy the sports and enjoy the thrill and excitement of watching variety of sports. The company will also

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Managing Information Systems Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing Information Systems Assignment - Essay Example In this scenario this report will analyze some of the main aspects such as responsibilities of IT and MIS at the business level and overall implementation issues for setting up an online business at D&D International Enterprises. OVERVIEW Currently every business utilizes information systems along with other new technology based objects at all the stages of business processes to gather, perform operations, and store business data. Additionally, this corporate data is collected as well as distributed in the type of effective business information required to perform diverse tasks of the company. In this scenario, every staff member of the company makes use of these information systems to perform assigned tasks. For instance, a car selling business that could utilize a computer database to manage products sell best, and a retail store could utilize a computer-based information technology artifacts as well as information system to sell products over the Internet. ... Normally, organizations use management information systems to facilitate their staff members to use and change information. However, in many cases, the management information systems work behind the scenes, and the users of the information system are not often engaged or even aware of the operations that are managed or controlled by the system. In addition, the management and improvement of information technology systems and tools supports management as well as other staff members in carrying out several operations associated to the management of business information. Moreover, the management information systems and other business systems are particularly valuable in the collection of company data as well as the creation of corporate information to be employed like tools intended for decision making (BPC, 2010; Schauland, 2011; Lari, 2002). MIS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE TO BUSINESS Management information system is a wide-ranging phrase intended for the computer structures in a business th at offers information regarding its business processes. It is as well employed to submit to the people who handle and supervise these systems. Normally, in a huge business, â€Å"management information system" or the â€Å"Management information system department" refers to a centrally-harmonized or fundamental arrangement of computer administration and proficiency, frequently comprising mainframe systems however in addition comprising the company’s whole network of computer system resources. In the start, they were developed to perform some specific functions of the business such as calculating the payroll as well as managing accounts receivable and payable. As applications evolved and improved those offered executives with

Friday, August 9, 2019

Anishinabe peoples and the clan system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anishinabe peoples and the clan system - Essay Example The institutions of social services, justice, community development, property and civil rights, customs law, educational and health services were among the institutions orderly managed by Anishinabe Clan System (Sitting, 2003). The institutions as they were well managed reflected the original values which promoted the well-being of a common man. The system offered a great law which presented both forms of social and political governance clearly. Therefore, people could not contradict in either social or political ideas. The system presented a way of dealing with social and political differences harmoniously. It was an effective system of administering both structure of governance and social order in the society. Furthermore, its spiritual importance cannot be underestimated. It was a system where spiritual policies could be applied when there is a need to reconcile conflicting parties in the society. Through application of its policies and principles, the system continued to function and support all the people and was important in fulfilling their pursuits and needs. Even though, times changed, the clan system continued being strong and became key to the strength of Ojibway people. People could identify themselves with the clan systems. It defined the people’s unity and identity, and at the same time maintained integ rity, personal identity and dignity of the people. The clan System, apart from providing leadership and governance to Ojibway people, it also gave a chance to the people to actively participate in the governance decisions and the concerns of their needs. The people through the Clan System could also actively compel the policies that could derail their rights and freedoms (James, 2007). The governance was well organized and the hierarchy was well defined. Each clan was given a place and designated a role to play in the society. The clan meets regularly depending on the

The Function of the HR Manager at Manchester1 Essay

The Function of the HR Manager at Manchester1 - Essay Example The functions of HRM discussed in the paper include HR planning, recruitment and selection, contracts, employee relations, grievance and discipline, and volunteer management. Since Manchester1 arranges small comedy events, the main clients of the company would be from the media. The company needs to start booking the local acts that can be featured (Drew). The company might have to build relationships with the booking agencies with the growth of the business to attract better comedians so that the workload can be reduced. Manchester1 recruits in two fundamental ways; online advertisement and with the help of the employment agencies. The company has its own personal website where it advertises the vacancies in the â€Å"jobs at Manchester1† section. In addition to that, understanding the power and usability of the social networking websites for the purpose of advertisement, the company advertises vacancies on Facebook. Facebook is being increasingly used by companies for advertising all over the world and â€Å"social ads† are considered as advertising’s future (Pickering). The company also has its personal profile on Facebook where it shares the information regarding the vacancies. HRM at Manchester1 also lists the criteria of eligibility for the interested candidates in each of these mediums to ensure that only the possibly qualifying people send their CVs and the HRM has a lesser load of applications to deal with. In addition, HRM at Manchester1 also render the services of the e mployment agencies especially when they have to recruit the employees on an immediate basis. Candidates for interview are short-listed after a thorough review of their individualistic talents, achievements, and competences, and the short-listed candidates are called upon for a structured interview. The selected candidates are recommended to the top management which after a second interview, selects the employees. At Manchester1, the selected employees are first offered a place at the company temporarily during which, no written contract is made between the employee and the company.  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Ethics in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Ethics in Business - Essay Example This is sufficient reason for the company to sell the company. Since plastic industry is making losses it is ethical to sell the company to a company with other intension and in this case it is sold to Rooney who intends to introduce automation, and to replace all present employees. The employees should not be replaced but trained if not absorbed in the mother company. The company should be ready to take this short term costs that the yearly losses of $ 4 million. The matter of environmental conservation is of great concern. Since I have not read the report of chemical composition in our manufacturing firm. This is because it was written in foreign language. Though am aware of the contents of the report, it will be right for me to say no when questioned by a report. The reporter is a whistleblower to the nation asking me to provide information of the company, because the information will cause panic to the employees and the community members. This is because of the chemical that is feared to affect their lives. It is ethical before whistle blowing to be sure of the information and let the information be evaluated, tested and audited. The issue at hand should be declared by the management and not the individuals. This is because the individuals need to be protected and therefore need for confidentiality. My concern for the proposal is high. This is because the major competitor is from Japan. It is wise to use a local agent who is close to the politician to get the proposal. The agent must follow the law of agency by getting a 10% commission as agreed when he gets the proposal. The agent has violated the terms by asking extra $100000 and this is unethical. This is fraud because the request of the agent could be higher than the project and this is not acceptable .As a project manager I will try to explain to him to accept the initial offer so as to avoid fraud because it may collapse the project when it starts. I would review the terms for the agent and it

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sociology culture Essay Example for Free

Sociology culture Essay Question 1. What do chimpanzee and orangutan cultures have in common with human culture? Give examples of specific behaviors. Answer 1. These cultures are common because both have tool use, complex grooming and courtship. For example, young chimpanzees are taught how to crack nuts and when they run into technical problems the mother is always there to help them. This is quite like how humans would react. The parents teach the young how to complete and overcome certain task. Another example is the â€Å"leaf clipping† behavior. Just like how one set of humans might use one thing for a certain task, whereas another set might use the same thing for a completely different task is basically the same as how different sets of chimpanzees use the whole â€Å"leaf clipping† behavior. Question 2. Find the article on orca culture by Lisa Stiffler cited above. How do findings about orcas differ from those about chimpanzees? Answer 2. The findings about orcas differ from those of chimpanzees in many different ways. Even though they both have a complex culture, orcas communicate in a different ways, they move in groups led by females, they have different ways of pleasing themselves such as rubbing their bodies along rocks and they eat different things. Some orcas eat simple things like salmon others eat things like seals, sea lions and even sharks. One major difference is that instead of the mother Orca forcing/teaching the child how to obtain it’s own food like the chimpanzee learning how to crack nuts; the mother orca instead hunts the food, holds it in her mouth and allow her calves to chew on it. To top it all of orcas are also used for greeting ceremonies in some countries whereas Chimpanzees aren’t. Question 1. How does the culture of the Trobiand Islander affect their way of creating a calendar? Answer 1. Due to the fact that agriculture is the main focus of people’s lives within the Trobian Islanders, their calendar is based on the lunar cycles. Instead of having a fixed number of months, the number of months in a year for them could either be 12 or 13. This happens because they use the internal clock of a marine worm and basically decide how many months would be in a year based on this worm’s timing. If the worm does not show when they expect it to show, they would repeat the month hereby determining whether they’ll be 12 months or 13 months in the year. Question 2. What is another example of a calendar system that is not the same as that used by the majority of people in the United States? With what culture is it associated? Answer 2. Another example of a calendar system is the Mayan calendar. This calendar contains three different calendars; the Long Count, the Tzolkin and the Haab. These calendars in the Mayan system vary in the number of days as well as the number of months. It was used by most pre Columbian Central America cultures including the Maya around 2000 BC to the 16th century. However, the calendar got developed further by the Maya civilization and up to this day it is still in use by some of the Mayan communities.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Partnership and Its Types Essay Example for Free

Partnership and Its Types Essay A partnership arises whenever two or more people co-own a business, and share in the profits and losses of the business. Each person contributes something to the business such as ideas, money, or property though management rights and personal liability will vary. In Pakistan the partnership firms are registered under the partnership act 1932 which defines the partnership as â€Å"The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all† There should be at least two or maximum twenty partners in a firm with the exception of banking where maximum of ten partners could make the partnership A partnership may be registered with the Registrar of Firms of an area where the office of the firm is situated or proposed to be situated. A statement in prescribed form must be delivered to the relevant Registrar stating: †¢Firm name †¢Place or principal place of business of the firm †¢Names of any other places where the firm carries on business †¢Date when each partner joined the firm †¢Names in full and permanent addresses of the partners †¢Duration of the firm †¢Foretasted statement signed and verified by each partner Types of partners Active or working partner: Such a partner contributes capital and also takes active part in the management of the firm. He bears an unlimited liability for the firms debts. He is known to outsiders. He shares profits of the firm. He is a full-fledged partner. 2. Sleeping or dormant partner: A sleeping or inactive partner simply contributes capital. He does not take active part in the management of the firm. He shares in the profits or losses of the firm. His liability for the firms debts is unlimited. He is not known to the outside world. 3. Secret partner: This type of partner contributes capital and takes active part in the management of the firms business. He shares in the profits and losses of firm and his liability is unlimited. However, his connection with the firm is not known to the outside world. 4. Limited partner: The liability of such a partner is limited to the extent of his share in the capital and profits of the firm. He is not entitled to take active part in the management of the firms business. The firm is not dissolved in the event of his death, lunacy or bankruptcy. 5. Partner in profits only: He shares in the profits of the firm but not in the losses. But his liability for the firms debts is unlimited. He is not allowed to take part in the management of the firm. Such a partner is associated for his money and goodwill. 6. Nominal: Such a partner neither contributes capital nor takes part in the management of business. He does not share in the profits or losses of the firm. He only lends his name and reputation for the benefit of the firm. He represents himself or knowingly allows himself to be represented as a partner. He becomes liable to outsiders for the debts of the firm. A nominal partner can be of two types: 7. Minor as a partner: A minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age. A minor cannot become a partner because he is not qualified to enter into a contract. But he may be admitted to the benefits of partnership with the mutual consent of all the partners. On being so admitted, a minor becomes entitled to a share in the profits of the firm. He can inspect and copy the books of account of the firm but he cannot take active part in the firms management. His liability is limited to the extent of his share in the capital and profits of the firm. He cannot file a suit against the firm or its partners to get his share except when he wants to disassociate himself from the firm. After becoming a major, the minor must give a public notice within six months if e wants to break off his connections with the partnership firm. If he does not give such a notice within six months or if he decides to remain in the firm, he becomes liable to an unlimited extent for the debts of the firm from the date he was admitted to the benefits of partnership. He also becomes entitled to take active part in the management of the firms business. 8. Sub partner: He is a third person with whom a partner agrees to share his profits desired from the firm. He does not take part in the management of the firm. He is not liable for the firms debts.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Safeguarding the Welfare and Innocence of a Child

Safeguarding the Welfare and Innocence of a Child Childhood experiences differ from person to person in many ways. One’s personal experience of childhood is likely to affect their understanding of childhood and their ideal vision of childhood. When I reminisce about childhood, the ideal vision of children frolicking around the park, having fun and carefree days comes to mind. As described by Rousseau, childhood is a brief period of sanctuary before encountering the perils and hardships of adulthood. This line by Rousseau: Why fill with bitterness the fleeting early days of childhood, days which will no more return for them than for you? encapsulates my ideal vision of childhood, a time of pure innocence that will never be recaptured and should be the best time of our lives (Hutchison Charlesworth 2000; Wood 2003). Brought up in Singapore as the youngest child in a family of four, my childhood experience was built upon an â€Å"Asian construction of childhood† with beliefs and ideas of Asian cultural influence. However , being the youngest child made me the perpetual â€Å"baby† of the family, with constant protection and showering of care. Coupled with the media’s constant representation of the innocent child through various movies and images, my view of childhood is inevitably skewed towards this image. The image of innocence recognizes a child’s vulnerability and immaturity, reflecting the need to provide care and protection in order to preserve the physical and spiritual purity of the child. James Prout (1990) recognized that while childhood innocence is a socially constructed phenomenon, biological immaturity is a fact of childhood. Therefore in this image, childhood is viewed separately from adulthood, with the responsibility of the young and innocent firmly in the hands of adults. It is further supported by the code of ethics in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), where adults are in a position of power, with the expectation of making decisions in the best interests of the child due to their innocence and perceived incapability of making the right decisions. In my experience of childhood, my brother and I were kept on constant adult supervision without the need or option to make any decisions. Everything was taken care of by Linda, our domestic worker fr om the Philippines and she was tasked to follow instructions and daily routines set out for us by my parents. Rousseau noted that children are born into an original natural state of essential goodness. However, their closeness with nature and natural goodness is being threatened or degraded by culture. In my infant years, protecting us from the ‘corruption’ of society was exactly what my parents wanted by limiting our exposure to sources of corruption such as violence in music, television and games. Postman (1983) highlighted a shift away from child innocence due to the myriad of media universally available to children. In recent years, the proliferation of technology and wider exposure to the Internet further deepened my view of the need to protect a child’s innocence. With more children playing games on internet-ready devices like the iPads, the ‘corruption’ of society slowly creeping into a child’s environment even without stepping out of h ome. While the image of innocence seem ideal at the infant stage to protect their innocence, upon further consideration, critics highlighted that continual treatment of a child in this view may hamper their development. . This is where I feel the limiting of experience and of opportunity may be critical and damaging for the child. As highlighted by Woodrow (1999), maintaining this focus as a child matures will deny them agency and inhibits the potential development of skills required to handle challenges in the future. With adults perceived as having power and responsibility over and for children, this raises another debatable point of whether they are always acting in the best interest of the child. In this construct of childhood innocence, Hutchison and Charlesworth (2000) argue that childhood becomes sentimentalized, while Docket (1998) feels that this nostalgic view stops us taking children seriously. Upon reflecting on my initial understanding and experience of the image of innocence, perhaps childhood consists of transitional phases consisting of multiple definitional perspectives. A transition into the frame of child development is a solution to progressively give a child more agency and Piaget’s view on childhood encapsulates it. Piaget noted the conception of childhood as certain transition stages of their lives at about 18 months, 7 years and 11 or 12 years, where a child will develop from immaturity to rationality, increasing their ability to understand their surroundings and have new capabilities to undertake certain tasks. The child is now viewed in the image of an embryo adult, seen as ‘human becomings’ rather than ‘human beings’ in preparation for the future (Hutchison Charlesworth 2000). At the early stages, as the child is positioned as less knowing, it is the responsibility of parents to use their own knowledge or resources to groom and nurture the abilities of their children at home. Upon attending school, the child is subjected to a politically influenced curriculum designed by teachers, which pushes them to achieve results and judged on standardized tests (Woodrow 1999). In relating my childhood experience in this perspective, grooming a child to undertake certain tasks is a challenge and very much depends on whether the agentic child is willing to accept it. At the age of 7, I was enrolled for swimming lessons but strongly refused to do so due to my immaturity and lack of understanding about it. However, after carefully explaining to me the importance of swimming as a life skill 2 years later, the increase in rationality and readiness led me to acquire new capabilities. In other instances, I was coerced to accompany my older brother in attending other courses beyond my will, and such scenarios depict images of a tyrannical adult as opposed to loving guides. Therefore, the adult must take special considerat ion when faced with such situations, as it may result in the poor emotional connection between children and adults as noted by Hoffman (2000) within this construct of childhood. In addition to this, the adult will have to constantly ensure a child’s needs for emotional stability, security, confidence, self-esteem are met. These images are never stable or unitary and their meanings are contestable. It is easy to over-simplify and homogenize the idea of childhood, and the children who go through that phase of life, ignoring cultural influence that children experience which differentially produce conceptions of childhood (Woodrow 1999). Everyone’s childhood is a unique phase of life. The only commonality is how one’s childhood is a determining factor of how their life shapes out to be, and the way it will influence childhood for their kids. To a child, what matters most is parents, as they will learn everything from them. The underlying idea of childhood is complex, and the role that adults play is rather confusing. The UN CRC states that all children have a right to speak freely and to be listened to by adults over decisions that affect them. While we recognize that a child has the right to be heard, and that they should have a say in their plans for the future, just to how much extent should they be given that freedom? By putting power and responsibility in the hands of children, does this confuse the role of adults and their responsibilities of shaping childhood? How will this affect an adult’s role in making decisions in the best interest of the child? On the topic of best interest of a child, an adult should act in the best interest of the child, but what’s best for the child may not exactly be in the same view in the eyes of the child. Also, an adult may not always act in the best interest of the child but rather, the most convenient option. How then are we going to police what’s right and what’s wrong. There can be guidelines in place but whether it’s enforced in the compounds of a home is something beyond our control. At the end of the day, there’s no single correct way of raising a child, as there are way too many variables to consider. Each child is different, each parents has their own views on how to raise a child. We are unclear who is in charge of childhood: teachers, parents, politicians, or children themselves? Alongside listening to children, the real question we need to be asking, as parents, educators, employers and politicians, is: have we created a society that has destroyed the childhood we want for our children?